The Mastery of Lovehappiskin19 apr 20201 minuten om te lezenOn the program: being healthy is something you can learn - permaculture- unconditional love - and so much more ... I wish you lots of joy reading this newsletter and seeing the videos 🌿How do you experience these times? Can you relax yourself, enjoy yourself, or do you rather feel uncomfortable or stressed? Whatever it may be, it will be somewhat different for each and every one of us, depending on our beliefs or with other words, what we perceive as "the truth".
On the program: being healthy is something you can learn - permaculture- unconditional love - and so much more ... I wish you lots of joy reading this newsletter and seeing the videos 🌿How do you experience these times? Can you relax yourself, enjoy yourself, or do you rather feel uncomfortable or stressed? Whatever it may be, it will be somewhat different for each and every one of us, depending on our beliefs or with other words, what we perceive as "the truth".
HAPPISKIN is tijdelijk gesloten - ik post hier elke update - temporarily closed - all updates will be posted here